Launch your Ethical and Sustainable Australian made Fashion Label with the Guidance of Australia's Most Experienced Development Company

I'm Ready to Start the Fashion Label Launchpad
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At Last!

A program that will share priceless insider secrets, giving you the tools to turn your designs into garments and help you achieve the ultimate success of creating your ethical fashion or clothing business. Everything you need to know to start a fashion label.


There are so many things to think about when starting a label:

 Finding a pattern maker

Knowing how to brief them so you can get the right result

 Finding a manufacturer that can make your product

 Sourcing fabrics and trims

 Understanding the Process and how long it will take

 Understanding the Costs for development and production

 Choosing between local and offshore manufacturing


Did you know that many other people will be experiencing the same issues that you are?

Starting a business in the fashion industry is hard. It is a secretive industry with its own language. You can lose a lot of money in developing a product if someone doesn’t get your style. It takes more than just having a tech pack made to get the product right. And finding a manufacturer who is willing to work with a start-up is nearly impossible.

Every product is unique in the things to look out for and the issues and questions that can arise during development and production. But they all follow a very similar pathway to Launch.

Get Started with the Fashion Label Launchpad Program Now!

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Imagine this..

  • You have a successful website selling garments that you have designed.
  • You know the process and when you need to start to launch your idea on time.
  • You call a manufacturer or fabric agent, and they call you back because you sound like you know what you are doing.
  • You know what fabric you need, what it is called, where to get it and how much to get.
  • You know how to explain your idea to a pattern maker so they can give you back exactly what you had imagined
  • You understand the process and what you need to do at every stage through the development and manufacturing process
  • You have total control and a clear understanding of what it is all going to cost before a pattern is made.
  • You have someone to ask the millions of questions you have, and they don’t mind.
  • You have a supportive network of people who understand that you don’t know and are there to help.

How would this change your life?



Our Unique program is the only program that offers not only the information you need to launch you label, but also includes mentoring by some of the industry's most experienced pattern makers and sample makers.Since 2014 we have helped over 500 start ups launch their label. We want to help you with your development and production.


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Since 2014 over 500 People have launched with the Fashion Label Launchpad

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Once you start the Fashion Label Launchpad you will know how to...

This is for you if...

  • You have emailed a whole bunch of people but have had absolutely no response
  • You are feeling overwhelmed by the process of starting your label and all the work involved
  • You had a tech pack made but need help with the rest of the process
  • You have knowledge on how to start a business but as to how to make the clothes, you are lost
  • You are looking to start a business but don’t know what happens first.
  • You have had designs drawn up that you like-but you don’t know what to do next
  • You tried to get your designs made with another pattern maker and they have failed for reasons unknown, but you wonder if the reason might be you.
  • You lack the confidence to go it alone
  • You are confused about where to even begin
  • You tried overseas but communication and timing is so hard and they are struggling to get things right
  • You have been working with another pattern maker however you are unhappy with the time frames and lack of communication
And breathe

We Want to Help You Every Step of your Business Journey

Click below to follow your pathway to success and learn how we will be there to help you Launch your Label

Define Your Customer

Define your customer  - A strong foundation is key to a successful business

Taking some time out at the very beginning of your business journey will create a plan towards success. We have a tried and tested process that has been followed many times and is such proven to be a valuable start to any business

  • Start your journey with our 1 on 1 Business Planning Session to flesh out your brand ideas into a reality.
  • Establish Your Business Goals so we can help you achieve them
  • Finding your Niche and how to explain it so everyone is on the same page Find your Customer and Validate your ideas so you can Build your Database ready for Launch
  • Understand what you need to Plan for an Ethical and Sustainable Label 

Prepare for Your Design Meeting – It Is Time To Bring Your Designs to Life

There is no need to search around to find a pattern maker and sample maker. We will work with you to create your patterns and samples in our one stop shop to take the stress away and bring your idea to life.

  • We will show you how to take your rough ideas and create a document to communicate with a pattern maker, even if you say you can’t draw.

  • There is no need to outsource to a designer, we will transform your sketches into designs that are used by the industry

  • We will discuss with you how to Plan your full range and what to think about to create your brand

  • You will have access to our garment library so we can visually communicate your ideas in a way that is sometimes too hard to draw.

  • We pride ourselves on getting your design right in 2 samples. No need to waste time and energy running around.

Prepare for your design meeting
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How Much Will It All Cost – It Is Important To Understand What Your Outlay Is As Early as Possible

You will be given an accurate cost breakdown before we even start pattern making and an understanding of how we can help you stagger those costs along the development and manufacturing process.
  • A Sales strategy is important to understand what the growth of your business will be over year 1, 2, 5 & 10. Learn what you can do to stagger your costs and build a sustainable business
  • A clear understanding of what your retail price point should be as your business grows and business model changes is important for business planning. We can work out what the best Sales strategy Strategy is for you to plan and grow your business
  • We can discuss the many different business models to find which one is right for you and your budget with our Fashion Label Launchpad exclave Budget Tool
  • Use the timelines we create for you to know what to buy and when to you should be buying fabrics, trims, labels, etc.
  • Learn about the avenues for funding

Fabric & Trim Sourcing – Learn About Fabric To Make It Easier for You

Even if you know what you want, you will now need to find it in the local market. For this you need to understand the names of each of the components of your garment or accessory
  • Talk like a pro with the right language to get the fabric and trims you need.
  • Learn about the 4 key pillars to identify any fabric to find what you are looking for
  • Connect with the right supplier for your products, fabrics and trims with our verified database of over 100 suppliers who are ready to help you as a Fashion Label Launchpad member
  • Looking for a unique print? We work with specialists with the latest technologies and capabilities to get your surface print design right for you.
  • Perhaps it is something else you need? Again our in depth knowledge extends across Embroidery,/ Heat Transfers/ and Placement Prints
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Brand Identity and Marketing – Finding and Speaking to the Right Customer Is Essential to the Sale

Learn how to defined your brand identity so your product and your brand communicate the right message to the right people
  • Understand the key principles of Working out your Brand Identity
  • How to get the right result from your Graphic Designer
  • Establish your brand voice and messaging
  • Learn the Social media fundamentals to create a social media plan and learn how to establish your social media presence.
  • Plan your website with our step-by-step guide to everything ensure you have everything you need so you are ready at launch

Sample Fitting Success – This Is When Your Vision Comes to Life

We are there to give you the guidance on what to look for and how to participate in a fitting to tweak and change your design.
  • Learn how to ensure your range is succinct and complete across all garments
  • Understand how to approve Final Samples ready for the production process
  • Look at final costs and budget analysis to determine production quantities.
  • Let us guide you on how to prepare for production ordering so you have everything you need.


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In House Development and Production – We Are There With You Doing the Development and Production

What this means is that you don’t have to worry about not knowing what you are doing. We answer know and understand where you are at right now and will give you the information and support you need to launch your brand with the right products
  • We will support you as your own design and production manager. Let us solve the problems and catch the mistakes before they happen so you don’t need to worry
  • You will receive accurate quotes for development so you know what it will cost before we even started making a pattern
  • We will discuss the production price up front before we start making a pattern to see how this affects your retail price point and profit to see which of the lever of fabric, design, quantity or details we can change before you have spent any money on pattern making or sample making
  • You can search our in-house resource library of patterns and stitch samples to make it easier to communicate the details of your design.
  • You can enjoy the process knowing we are there to guide you along the process.

Getting It Made – We Move Onto Our In-House Production Process

Production Preparation includes looking at the numbers, ordering fabrics and preparing documentation for  manufacturing. Signing off your Preproduction samples, looking at colour ways and planning your range releases.
  • Learn how to contact suppliers so that they answer your emails
  • Get the real facts about manufacturing onshore vs offshore including the complete story on costs
  • What is Quality Control? Learn how to do this valuable process or how to outsource it and have the confidence that your products are what you expect
  • Get an in in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing process so you can be prepared at every step and avoid wasting money through the process
  • How to ensure you know what is involved in your development process so you can get everything ready at the right time to reach your launch date
  • We offer in house manufacturing of MOQ 20 (over 4 sizes) to mentees in the FLL- let us create the product for you and keep an eye on it every step of the way
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Building Your Business – As Your Business Grows, You May Look To Expand Your Team or Sell Your Business

This requires organization and planning so you can pass on the tasks and focus on what you need to be doing. We will show you how to organize and your resources so you run a professional show that is good enough to sell and profit from all your hard work an attractive proposition for someone to take over with minimum effort to hand over.
  • Stay on top of the development process through Organizing your resources so you know what is where to get the most out of what you have invested in
  • Learn how to build the dream team and what they will need to succeed
  • Understand time- lines and critical paths so you know how to stay on track through the development and manufacturing process
  • Learn how to protect your business and your ideas
  • What legal and accounting assistance you require for your business
  • Understand what insurance and business registration can means for you

Launching Your Label – What You Need To Know To Prepare for Your Launch Day

You have done all the hard work on your development and manufacturing. Our small run manufacturing allows you to test the market, but it is important to make a great first impression to win the sale.
  • Learn what is involved in planning for a successful launch day
  • A step-by-step guide on how to create an amazing photoshoot
  • What your website needs so that you can maximize opportunity to sell
  • How to plan for a rerun of your best-selling products to make the most of your hard work
  • We want to be there with you, helping you over the hurdles to get you to your launch day. How to create a pre-launch strategy to build your list  and get customers when you need them
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Bonus Library – Webinars From Experts in Their Field Interviewed so You Can Learn and Their Contact Details

In addition to all this information above, we have a library of content from past mentees and industry experts to help you with industry expert information.
  • Learn how to obtain Ethical Accreditation from Ethical Clothing Australia
  • Hear from a lawyer about how to secure you’re the IP on your products
  • Get the step-by-step guide on how to grow your audience on social media from a social media expert
  • Learn about what a retailer needs from you if you wish to wholesale to an online store
  • Learn from an expert about how to ensure your website is set up for conversion
  • Find out about Digital Fabric printing from a Digital Fabric Printing expert
  • And hear from past mentees on how they launched and grew their business from starting out just like you.


Join the Fashion Label Launchpad Program

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More than $30,000 of Value Inside

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Over 100 Searchable Videos-Lifetime Access

With everything you need to know to guide you through the development and manufacturing process. Short searchable videos so you can find what you need.

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Fabric Course-Lifetime Access

Videos to help you understand Fabric Content, Structure, Weight and Finish to help you find the fabrics you need, what they are called and what fibre content is right for you.

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Weekly Coaching Emails

Can you imagine someone 'in the know' guiding you on want you need to do and when to reach your launch date, that is exactly what we do in these weekly emails We will let you know what you need to do each week to stay on track.

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One on One Support and Mentoring

Imagine someone being there to help you and knows you are starting out. No question is off limits and there is no such thing as a silly question. Choose from mentors in Design, Fabrics, Fittings, Business Consulting, Production Planning or Social Media.

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Facebook Designer Community

Starting a label can be lonely. The Fashion Label Launchpad Facebook community is a great place to share your journey with others just like you. Ask questions, share your wins and make friends with others who are on the same journey.

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Monthly Industry Expert Group Calls

Each month we invite a special guest to join us for a Masterclass. You have access to ask the questions you want answered. It might be a past mentee to share their story, an industry expert or a supplier. Join us to listen, ask questions and learn.

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Weekly Live Check-ins

I know that questions pop up all the time. Join me twice a month for a check in to get your questions answered in real time to get the answers to help you move forward.

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Printable Handouts

Beautiful printable handouts at your fingertips that give you the exact information you need from each video. Keep these on file and save the most valuable information within easy reach.

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Support Thread

Ask any question and have our industry experts answer. Also read from the many questions and answers asked by people just like you. You can read past questions to gain knowledge that you need to know.


In addition to that $30,000+ in Value you also get

More than $20,000 in Free Bonuses

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Budget Planner

  • Understand how much it will all cost 
  • What is involved in starting a business
  • What can you do to save money
  • How will a sales strategy change over the seasons to grow a sustainable business
  • Understand your retail strategy and see how your business can grow
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One on one Production Manager

  • We are here to watch over your designs even when you are not here.
  • Knowledge on fabric agents, trim suppliers, printers and embroiderers and how to manage this process
  • At every step of the way we are all here to answer questions and find solutions for you
  • 12mths of support
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60 Minute Creative Business Strategy Session

  • We will dive deep into your business plan to look at the 10 year plan 
  • We will talk about processes, suppliers, and the roadmap to achieve the best results 
  • You can ask Julia any questions you need to get started
  • The clearer you are with who your customer is, the better result you will get so they can see your vision too
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Goal Setting Manual

  • Be ready to jump out of the blocks as soon as the mentoring program begins
  • Having an industry expert help you see the bigger picture for your business
  • Not knowing what is a realistic time frame
  • Understand what to do and when 
  • Understand the pathway to get to your end goal and dream

So that's more than $50,000 in Value

Submit Your Application

Join Fashion Label Launchpad Today and get 

$30,000+ in Course Value

$20,000 in Free Bonuses

Plus over 20 Modules

Plus the Fabric Course

Plus Photo Shoot Guide

Plus the Back Catalogue of Monthly Expert Calls

Plus 12mths Facebook Community

Plus Extensive supplier list for Fabrics, Trims & External Services

 Special Minimum Order Qty of 20pcs per style per colour (over 4 sizes)

Lifetime access to the course content

12mth access to One-on-one support

12mth Ask Me Anything Calls

12mth access to Expert Calls

Choose the payment option that works best for you

Single Payment Plan

Single Payment of $5990 (inc gst)

Submit Your Application

Act Fast

The $22,000 in Bonuses will disappear soon.









100% Risk-Free

Money Back Guarantee!

Try the Fashion Label Launchpad Program for 2 Weeks and if it's not right for you let me know before the end of the 2 weeks and we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.


Fare use policy applies

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Your Success is our Success

What others have said about their experience with the Fashion Label Launchpad


Process has been a Dream

Such Extensive Knowledge

Every Question has been answered

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Nicole Stanners


Sample Room have been fantastic in helping me to develop my sportswear start up. Firstly, the Fashion Label Launchpad was perfect to build my knowledge, having come from a non fashion corporate marketing background. Secondly, the process of developing quite a technical range has been a dream. When you are new to this industry, it is so difficult to navigate and find good suppliers, production, pattern makers etc and Sample Room makes this so much easier.

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Yolande Iyer

Lola Sparkle

Being new to the fashion industry, I was not sure where to start and everything just seemed so overwhelming initially. Doing the Sample Room mentorship program has been so helpful in guiding me though the whole process. Having a resource base with such extensive knowledge of the fashion industry has been wonderful and I’m looking forward excitedly to the rest of my journey to production.

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Jessie Wadeson

Love Jessie

 Sample Room, and all of the beautiful staff that work there, helped me work through my ideas, my barriers and issues, helped bring my ideas to life and finally produced my garments. You could say they are my “one stop shop” which was something I was looking for as I am also busy with work and juggling a young family. I underwent the fashion label launchpad program where I got all of the foundational knowledge I needed to get off the ground. As Sample Room also made our garments, I can wholeheartedly say that the garments are made with so much love and attention to detail. Every single piece is perfect. If you are starting out like I was, I recommend Sample Room for all of your needs! 


A Sense of community

Held my hand throughout the process

Process has been a Dream

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Marilena Di Florio

Marilena Di Florio

Joining the Sample Room mentor program not only provided me with the mentorship that I needed to get my brand off the ground and launch my first range, it provided me with a sense of community and a fashion family that you don’t get when working on your own. The monthly calls are full of so much information and are a great way to network with likeminded people who are at the same stage of the journey.

The whole Sample Room team have been invaluable with their knowledge and support and sharing of information. I am very excited to work together on future ranges.

My only regret is not doing the mentoring program sooner.

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Shape of Eve

Natasha Gan

I had a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve with my mix and match bikini label Shape of Eve, but not having any experience in fashion or retail, I had no idea where to start. Without Sample Room and the assistance of Julia and Kate, I would not have gotten as far as I have. There are a lot of moving parts throughout the journey of developing your product, so be prepared for quite a bit of back and forth in order to make those changes. What I was impressed with (with Sample Room) was having the course in place to help manage your expectations from the start. I have been so grateful that Sample Room have been there every step of the way and have held my hand throughout the process. Manage your expectations is my tip going into this, it's not easy or cheap starting your own label, but without Sample Room I would have spent more time and money trying to work it out.

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Harry and Pop

Lauren Kennedy

If you're looking to start a fashion label but you're overwhelmed by what's involved Sample Room will walk you through the process step-by-step, holding your hand the entire way. I had a dream to start a children's swimwear label but with a background in PR I was drowning in an industry I knew very little about (and making plenty of costly mistakes along the way). The lovely ladies at Sample Room helped make my dreams a reality and a year later we launched a beautiful/high quality/ecofriendly and ethical range. I honestly couldn't have done it without Sample Room. The support/guidance/advice I received was priceless. And with my 'official' program complete the girls are still happy to answer any question I have and continue to mentor me today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hi I'm Julia

I’m so excited that you’re taking the time to discover the amazing value on offer in our highly-personalised mentoring program. I’m Julia Van Der Sommen, director and head pattern maker at Sample Room, Australia's Most Experienced and Leading Development House.

For well over 28 years, I’ve been working with and helping to grow successful businesses in the industry.

My obsession with fashion and clothing started at the very tender age of 8 when I asked my mum if she would take me shopping to buy my first ever pattern. After spending my hard-earned pocket money, I took that pattern home, and with mum’s help on the sewing machine, I made my first garment – a small but significant step that set me on a satisfying career path.

After leaving high school in Adelaide I completed a fashion design course, taking this knowledge with me while travelling overseas, before coming back to Melbourne. During this exciting adventure I raked up endless hours as a designer, pattern maker, managing businesses, but also as a machinist, cutter, sales person and off-shore specification coordinator, learning the ropes and sometimes making mistakes the hard way.

It was a slow process, but it provided me with a massive amount of knowledge. The insider knowledge, the tricks of the trade – I have learnt these through much trial and error. It's an industry where few people  like to share those tricks.

This insider knowledge was like gold – giving me the boost to take the plunge and establish my own successful business creating garments and accessories for others. Sample Room is the culmination of many years of industry experience and the absolute love I have for the industry and I want to share this information with you.

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Andrea's Story

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Thank you SO much Julia for bringing my label to life!


In Andrea's own words-

I had worked for YEARS trying to get my fashion label off the ground and it wasn't until I found Julia and her amazing, talented team at Sample Room, that I was finally able to realise my dream.

Finding a pattern maker willing to work with a fashion start up is incredibly difficult and I knew about the Mentor ship program for a whole year before finally committing to it. I know it may seem like a lot of money (and it really isn't, now that I look back on it) but it is worth every single cent.

The mentor program taught me all of the things fashion that school left out. After completing the course, I was able to confidently design, manufacture and launch my own business.

It has been a really rocky road and I have faced quite a few disappointments in businesses who promised one thing but delivered another. I can say with absolute certainty that Sample Room is the most professional supplier I have dealt with to date.

Julia and her team really care about each designer and I have felt supported and confident in each process from design to pre production sample. The quality of the patterns all the way through to manufacturing is exemplary. I am one fussy customer and even my high standards have been satisfied.


I consider myself one incredibly happy customer. 

Get More than $30,000 in Value PLUS over $20,000 in FREE Bonuses when you join the Fashion Label Launchpad Today

It's Time to Start your Business Now

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